Researching Your Backcountry Trail Ride pt. III
Where to find trail information See our previous two articles in this series here: Research your back country trail ride pt 2 Research your back country trail ride pt 1 Online sources will often have up to date trail descriptions/conditions (e.g. “the first three miles look like a war zone”), PICTURES (my favorite is to save their pictures for your own info on meadows, water, or man that road...

Best way to clean your Horsedream sheepskin saddle pad!
Best way to wash your Horsedream sheepskin saddle pad! If you are already a lucky owner (if you’re not - we have some deals) of a Christ Horsedream sheepskin pad or bareback saddle and it's getting a bit grimey and needs to get washed. We just got a call from a customer who forgot how to wash it and she’s owed the same bareback pad for 13(!) years. So we thought...

Research your Backcountry Horse Trips pt. II
Part II in our series on trail riding - with the new "Normal" we had to tweak some of our recommendations.

Research your Backcountry Horse Trips
We have compiled the essential trail information (thanks to our Alaskan friends at Arctic Horse Gear) PART I You're dreaming of roaming the wilderness with your pony, riding through majestic mountains and camping in lush pastures miles away from e-mail, text messages etc. You're conditioning your horse and looking up gear lists, tips for packing on a horse, and how to high-line without leaving a trace. But, before one...